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Your donation will help secure the future of this organization.

your Donation

As a non-profit organization, the St. Albert Housing Society depends substantially on community support. Help us provide affordable rental housing in our community of St. Albert. Everyone needs a place to call home!

Your donation will contribute to ensuring the sustainability of the St. Albert Housing Society so that we can ensure we continue to fulfill our mission. Donated funds will also be used to help support and grow our HOMEconnection Program.

Our HOMEconnection Program was developed as a bridging program to assist individuals and families in St. Albert with a temporary rental supplement to allow time to establish plans and take action needed to improve their living arrangements. Participants in the program partner with a community service agency to receive individualized support to help them reach their goals. This program is funded entirely through donations and charitable fundraising. Your donations towards this program help families and individuals, put food on their table, provide much needed clothing, and acquire items or activities for children essential to their wellbeing.


The St Albert Housing Society has helped 78 local households though the HOMEconnection program.


Over 6000 households are currently on the waiting list for affordable housing in the Edmonton Region.

“My friend said to me, $300 is nothing, hardly any money. I told him it is the world to me...”


Past Client

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St. Albert Housing Society

104B, 14 Mission Avenue
St. Albert, AB.
T8N 1H4
P: 780-544-2205
The St. Albert Housing Society is funded in-part by The Friends of St. Albert Housing Society Charity | BN #805862299RR0001