We need your help to keep our community growing.


As a non-profit organization, the St. Albert Housing Society depends substantially on community support to help us provide affordable rental housing in our community of St. Albert. We are so grateful to the many St. Albert Businesses and Residents who have donated money and services to ensure we can keep our mission alive and provide our fellow St. Albertans with affordable and safe rental accommodations.

Everyone needs a place to call home!

We need your support to continue. Please consider donating to the St. Albert Housing Society


Since our HomeConnection program was founded in 2011, your generous donations have helped with $161, 339 in rental assistance for members of the community.

JOIN The Board

The St. Albert Housing Society recruits and develops a volunteer Board of Directors through the identification and involvement of interesting and inspiring individuals who are dedicated to working collaboratively to improve housing options for all members of the community. Our board benefits from having diverse voices and experiences to keep The Society thriving.  The Board of Directors provides the key leadership and governance of the Society. The Board sets policy and provides leadership to implement policy.

Join the board and have say in how we continue to support St. Albert residents in need.


On average, low-income, lone-parent households with one child earn $13,324 below the poverty line.

become a VOLUNTeer

Throughout the year, the St. Albert Housing society has a growing need of like-minded volunteers to donate some of their time to help us with fundraising efforts. These fundraising events include our community-favourite HOMEStyle Breakfast. Without your support we would not able to put on the breakfast and we would miss out on a major portion of our funding.

Please consider putting your name in as volunteer. Remember you only have to give as much time as you are able and you can always say no.

Give the gift of time and help and sign up to be a volunteer.


1.5% of Canadians live in persistent poverty. Persistent poverty is defined as living at or below the LICO  6+ years

Do you need help finding which of our programs is right for you?

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St. Albert Housing Society

104B, 14 Mission Avenue
St. Albert, AB.
T8N 1H4
P: 780-544-2205
The St. Albert Housing Society is funded in-part by The Friends of St. Albert Housing Society Charity | BN #805862299RR0001